Previous students:
M.Sc. students:
Niclas Heidelberg Lyndby (2017)
Radiative energy budgets of corals as a function of feeding and temperature-induced bleaching
Jacob Boiesen Holm (2017)
Carbon budgets of corals as a function of feeding and temperature-induced bleaching
Charlotte Møller Hansen (2016)
Studies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa growth and activity in a new in vitro model
Tania Darphorn (2016)
Photopigment dynamics in cyanobacteria and microbial mats. PhD student Amsterdam Univ.
Camilla Wentzel (2016)
Coral tissue morphology visualised through optical coherence tomography
Haleema Uppal (2016)
Sulfide in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections
Sevtap Aydogan (2016)
Sulfide in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections
Paull Cifuentes (2015)
Photosymbionts in lichens
Nadia Brogaard Nord (2015)
A comparative study of Acaryochloris
Karolina Reducha (2015)
Cyanobacterial beachrock biofilms
Ditte Bjerregaard Jensen (2015)
Cyanobacterial beachrock biofilms
Anne Planeta Etzerodt (2013)
Microscale distribution of small zooplankton in a sub-Arctic fjord in Greenland.
Kasper Elgetti Brodersen (2012)
Light energy budgets of surface-associated microbial communities.
PhD student, Univ. Technology Sydney, Australia
Mads Lichtenberg (2012)
Light energy budgets of surface-associated microbial communities.
PhD student, Microenvironmental Ecology Group
Özge Er (2012)
Prevention and treatment of bacterial biofilm infection in the soft tissue filler Aquamid
Research assistant, Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, Univ. Copenhagen
Kasper N. Kragh (2011)
Growth kinetics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
PhD student, Dept. International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, Univ. Copenhagen
Erik Trampe (2010)
Comparison of methods for estimating photosynthesis and the functional heterogeneity of photosynthesis in marine phototrophs.
PhD student, Microenvironmental Ecology Group
Sana Suhela Dandan (2009)
Light response of host pigments in Favites sp.
PhD student, Univ. Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Sheila I. Jensen (2006)
Bacteria and microenvironmental conditions in the rhizosphere of Zostera marina.
Postdoc, Systems Biology, Technical Univ. Denmark
Sveinn H. Magnusson (2006)
Endolithic communities in corals
Project manager, Matis Ltd.
Mikkel Benthien (2002)
Oil effects on microbial mats
Area director, Rambøl Group
Roland Thar (1998), Electrical Engineering
LUMINOLOT. Multiparameter-Mess-System für die Wassersäule bis zu 100 m Wassertiefe
CEO Pyro-Science GmbH
Roland Thar (1997), Physics
Lichtausbreitung in Sedimenten
CEO Pyro-Science GmbH
Stephanie Rink (1996)
Untersuchungen der Photosynthese- und Respirations-Raten in der symbiontentragenden planktischen Foraminifere Orbulina universa mit Mikroelektroden
B.Sc. students:
Christina Langley &
Maria Wagner Jørgensen (2017)
Effects of diuron on corals
Sofie Vidstrup Brøndum (2016)
Coral gas exchange
Jacob Holm (2015)
Optics of coral bleaching
Niclas Lyndby (2014)
Coral host pigments and temperature
Sabrina Beer (2014)
Coral host pigments and temperature
Nina Kornerup (2012)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Microcolony formation and antibiotic susceptibility
Søren Enghoff-Poulsen (2011)
Experimental investigation of the potential
interaction of photosynthesis and calcification in
the coralline algae Amphiroa beauvoisii
Jon Fabricius-Dyg (2010)
Imaging of surface O2 dynamics in corals with magnetic micro optode particles.
Peter Møller Christensen (2010)
Light microclimate and photosynthesis of the coral Caulastrea furcata
Saskia Dillmann (2010)
Denitrification by Pseudomonas aeruginosa during the interaction between polymorphonuclear leukocytes in cystic fibrosis patients with chronic lung infections.
Karen Moltesen (2009)
Hydrogen dynamics in biofilms
Consultant, DJ Miljø & Geoteknik
Rasmus Nørregaard (2009)
Diffusive boundary layer landscapes around hyaline hairs of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus.
Mads Dahl (2009)
Temperature and pH effects on corals
Özge Er (2009)
Anaerobic biofilms in soft tissue fillers
Research assistant, Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, Univ. Copenhagen
Kasper N. Kragh (2009)
Development of anaerobic biofilm.
PhD student, Dept. International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, Univ. Copenhagen
Henrik Almblad (2008)
Microenvironment and biofilm formation of Phaeobacter 27-4.
PhD student, Dept. International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, Univ. Copenhagen
Simon Videbæk (2008)
Microenvironmental analysis of Fucus vesiculosus
Anne Planeta Etzerodt (2008)
Microenvironmental analysis of Fucus vesiculosus
Maria Engraff (2007)
Coral bleaching
Project Manager, Orbicon
Emilie Wieben (2007)
Coral bleaching
Research Assistant, DTU management Engineering
Maj Linea Vestergaard (2006)
Coral diseases
PhD student, Lab. Reproductive Biology, Rigshospitalet
Sandra B. Andersen (2006)
Coral diseases
PhD student, Centre Social Evolution, Dept. Biology,
Univ. Copenhagen
Thomas M. Thestrup (2006)
Marine neurobiology
Erik Trampe (2006)
Endolithic microalgae
PhD student, Microenvironmental Ecology Group
Previous Ph.D. students and postdocs:
Klaus Koren (2013-2017)
Development and applications of optical senssors
Assistant Professor, University of Aarhus.
Daniel Wangpraseurt (2014-2016)
Biophotonics and photobiology of corals
Postdoc, Univ. Cambridge & Scripps Inst. Oceanogr.
Sonia Cruz (2014-2016)
Photobiology of photosymbiotic sea slugs.
Assistant Professor, Univ. Aveiro, Portugal
Paulo Cartaxana (2014-2016).
Bio-optics and photobiology of aquatic phototrophs.
Postdoc, Univ. Aveiro, Portugal
Daniel Aagren Nielsen (2011-2015, Sydney)
Coral reef biogeochemistry and physiology.
Postdoc, Univ. Technology Sydney, Australia
Marc Staal (2007-2011)
Microscopic oxygen imaging
Consultant, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Roland Thar (2002-2006) Steno-fellow
Motility and behavior of microorganisms.
CEO Pyro-Science GmbH, Germany
Andrea Wieland (1999-2003)
Microenvironmental analysis of microbial mats
Head of sales, Pyro-Science GmbH, Germany
Core members of the Microsensor Research Group at the MPI for Marine Microbiology (1992-1998):
Ulrike Berninger (1992-1997)
Professor & Dean, University of Innsbruk, Austria
Ulf Karsten (1993-1995)
Professor, University of Rostock, Germany
Ronnie Glud (1993-1996)
Professor, University of Southern Denmark
Ferran Garcia Pichel (1993-1998)
Professor & Dean, Arizona State University, USA
Ingo Klimant (1994-1995)
Professor, Technical University Graz, Austria
Gerhard Holst (1994-1998)
Research Director, PCO AG
Helle Ploug (1994-1998)
Professor, University of Gothenborg, Sweden
Eric Epping (1995-1998)
Senior scientist, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)
Dirk de Beer (1995-1998)
Group leader, Max-Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
Ph.D. students:
Johannes Goessling (2017)
Biophotonics of diatoms
Mads Lichtenberg (2017)
Microscale canopy interactions in aquatic phototrophs.
Postdoc, Univ. Copenhagen
Kasper Elgetti Brodersen (2016)
The Sea Grass Rhizosphere.
Postdoc, Dept. Biology, Univ. Copenhagen.
Erik Christian Løvbjerg Trampe (2016)
Microenvironmental ecology of phototrophs from extreme environments.
Postdoc, Dept. Biology, Univ. Copenhagen.
Daniel Wangpraeurt (2016)
Optical properties and photobiology of corals
Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship, Cambridge University & Scripps Institution for Oceanography
Lars Fledelius Rickelt (2015)
Development and application of fiber-optic sensors in environmental and life sciences.
CEO Zenzor & Product developer Oxyguard International A/S
Lars Behrendt (2013)
Microenvironmental and molecular ecology of the cyanobacteria Prochloron and Acaryochloris.
Postdoc and Sapere-Aude starting grant, Dept. Biology,
Univ. Copenhagen (stationed at ETH Zürich)
Lars Liengård Holten Møller (2011)
Emission of N2O in the Pantanal - Nitrogen cycling in seasonally flooded tropical wetland soil.
GMP Specialist, Novozymes
Sheila I. Jensen (2010)
In situ gene expression and ecophysiology of thermophilic cyanobacteria.
Postdoc, Systems Biology, Technical Univ. Denmark
Isabel Jimenez-Denness (2009)
Coral thermal microclimate : investigating the effects of irradiance, flow and coral thermophysical properties.
Team leader, Cardno, Sydney, Australia
Karin E. Ulstrup (2007)
Spatial and temporal dynamics of photosynthesis regulation of genetically define coral/algal symbiosis associations.
Consultant, DHI Water & Environment, Perth, Australia
Bettina König (2007)
Development and use of planar oxygen sensors.
OHB-System AG
Roland Thar (2002)
Motility of Microorganisms in Oxygen-Sulfide Gradients.
CEO Pyro-Science GmbH, Germany
Andrea Wieland (1999)
Microsensor analysis of oxygen and sulfide turnover in hypersaline microbial mats.
Pyro-Science GmbH, Germany
Stephanie Köhler-Rink (1999)
The physico-chemical microenvironment of symbiont-bearing foraminifera and their photosynthetic and respiratory characteristics studied with microsensors.
Anni Glud (1993-95 & 1998-2006)
Technician, Dept. Biology, Univ. Southern Denmark