Microsensor Analysis in the Environmental Sciences
Marine Biological Station Rønbjerg, Denmark
May 16 - 25, 2022


May 16
Arrival to Rønbjerg (not later than 18.00).
General introduction. Get-together dinner/party.

May 17

09.00-09.15 Introduction and general information

09.15-12.00 Niels Peter Revsbech (3 lectures):covering: "Electrochemical microsensors (O2, pH, CO2, N20, H2S, H2)"
"Microsensors for diffusivity and flow"
"Microbial biosensors"

"Novel combined sensors"


14.30-17.30 Ugo Marzochi (3 lectures) covering
“Analysis of microsensor profiles
"Microsensor studies of N- and S-cycling"
"In situ application of microsensors"


3 participant presentations

May 18
9-12 Michael Kühl and Klaus Koren (3 lectures) coverin: "Light microsensors and their application“ (MIK)
"Optical sensor materials and sensing principles" (KK)
"Optical chemical microsensors and imaging" (KK) 


14.30-18 Niels Peter Revbech, Kasper Brodersen, Michael Kühl (4 lectures) covering:
"Microsensor applications in soil systems and stratified water bodies " (NP)
“Microsensor and imaging analyses of aquatic macrophytes" (KB)
"Measuring oxygenic photosynthesis and energy budgets" (MIK)
“Microenvironmental analysis of corals and other symbioses” (MIK) 


3 participant presentations.

May 19
9-12 Laboratory exercise (NP, LBP, MIK, UM, KB)
"Oxygen microsensor measurements of respiration and photosynthesis in a microbial mat"

14.30-17:30 Final project definition planning and sampling/setup


3 participant presentations .

May 20-23
Experimental projects in groups of 4-5 participants. Working hours are undefined, but meals are served on schedule.

After dinner (during dessert):
Participants give a short presentation
(max. 10 min. + 5 min questions) on their research.

May 24
Data analysis and preparation of presentation by each project group.

15-18: Group presentations.

Dinner and Goodbye party.

May 25
Clean up & Evaluation of the course.

Departure late morning before lunch