John Fleng Steffensen - Teaching:

University of Copehagen - Biology - Bachelor Courses:

    I am currently involved in:

 Field Biology (4 th block)

Physiology of Aquatic Animals (Block 2)


University of Copenhagen - Biology - Master Courses:

    I am currently involved in:

Marine Biology (1 st block)

Fish Biology - Anatomi & Physiology (2 nd block)

Arctic Biology (4 th block)

Arctic Field Course - to Greenland (summer - about every 4.thyear)


    In addition I supervise: 

  Biological Projects

Bachelor Projects

 Master Projects

 Ph.D. Projects

NB: Information til danske bachelor- og kandisdatstuderende der er intersseret i et fiskebiologisk/fysiologisk projekt:


   In addition I am a Research Associate teaching a graduate course every other year at:

University of Washington - Friday Harbor Laboratories, USA.

Summer course for Ph.D. or graduate students - 5 weeks approximately every other year:

FISH SWIMMING: Kinematics, Ecomorphology, Behavior & Environmental Physiology at

U of Washington Course Description:

Updated August 2023.